
Currency conversion rate for payments within Lebanon

25th April 2020

Dear clients,

Thank you for your continued trust in WhiteBeard during these hard times. Our team continues to operate from home, and we're trying to keep it business as usual despite the expected effect on productivity.

We are reaching out today to reiterate our currency conversion commitment to our clients registered in and at the same time paying from Lebanon. Despite quoting and invoicing in US Dollars or Euro, if your company is unable to settle payments in the billed currency, we will still accept payments in LBP at the official rate defined by the Central Bank of Lebanon on the day of collection, which is as of now at 1515 LBP.

Because this rate could rise in the coming weeks, we recommend to our clients settling any outstanding balance as soon as possible to avoid a higher conversion rate in the future.

Kindly note that all hosting invoices should be paid in USD (check, wire, or cash). We pay these amounts to our partners in USA and The Netherlands, and also to our global suppliers.

Thank you, and stay safe.
Ghassan Khnaisser

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